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The area of home improvement isn't just a passion for those crafty with their hands. The benefits of repairing and improving your home far exceed just having a nice place to live. When done properly, home improvements can really increase your property's value. This article will show you some great tips to help you get the most from your home improvement projects.


Improve the look of your home by adding an unusual addition. Think about adding a library or a custom wine cellar. These kinds of exceptional additions will improve your home's resale value and also really impress guests whenever you invite company over.

If you have high electric bills each month, consider installing solar panels on your roof. While they may be expensive and labor intensive in the short run, in the long term you'll cut down on your electric bill and contribute to helping the Earth through utilizing greener energy sources. There are also tax credits for those who install solar panels.

Many people may see dark paneling in their rooms as a curse. However, it can be really simple to spice up your panels to make them suitable and stylish. Lightly sand your panels and paint over it with a primer. Then just apply a coat of paint in the color of your choice. This will give new life to your room as well as your dark paneling.

Spice up the look of your rooms by using patterned wallpaper on your walls and hanging a conversation piece of artwork. Pick something interesting with many textures or images to look at. Don't be afraid to go bold and interesting to show a sense of personality through your choices. You can even paint something yourself and hang it up to match your wallpaper.

Devote some time into weather-stripping your home. Even though your house might be insulated, there are probably small crevices around windows and doors through which air will leak. That means your house will lose cool air during the summer and warm air during the winter, leading to a higher energy bill when you run heating and cooling appliances. Weather-stripping your doors and windows will keep that from happening.

Just because your bedroom doors are dirty, don't throw them out. Remove them, and sand them down to the bare wood. Then, wipe down your door and paint it with an oil-based paint. If you want a different look, try changing the knobs out for something a bit fancier.

When it comes to home improvement, small things such as replacing your central air blower's air filters are essential. This is important both to the efficiency of the blower, as well as being a necessary maintenance procedure. If you allow dust and dirt to gather and even bypass the filter, it will gather within the moving parts of the blower and eventually cause it to fail.

An important tip to remember with real estate is that when you are making improvements to your house, you should not date it with fashions that are on their way out. This is important because while something may look nice for the time being you should always be forward thinking, especially if you do plan on selling your house.

When using nails to join wood surfaces, such as those in door frames, try reinforcing them with glue or liquid nails. By doing this, the wood will be reinforced with a much tighter bond than normal and strengthen the quality of your construction, which will last for many years without the need for constant repairs.

One energy-efficient improvement you can make to your home is to replace your windows. Older-style single-panel windows don't insulate the inside of your home nearly as well as the newer double-panel style. New windows will increase the aesthetic beauty of your home while saving you money each month in electricity bills.

A great tip for home improvement is to avoid putting your own personal stamp on improvements. This will make it less likely that you will earn a return on the investment because what looks good to you may not look good to someone else. If you use renovations simply to express yourself, do not consider the renovations as an investment in the resale value of your home.

Consider the payback when adding improvements to your home. The more personally-tailored an improvement is, the less likely it will increase your home's value to others. Others will not see the same value in your hand-painted kitchen tiles from Italy. Estimate a return of approximately 50 cents for each dollar you put into improvements.

When moving any type of furniture through your home, it's important that you protect your floors. A lot of people with hardwood floors will definitely make sure to protect them, but you also need to protect carpet. Most carpet can easily tear if you're dragging heavy objects across the surface.

Watch out for local weather. A backyard barbeque or outdoor patio may be a bad investment if the weather is constantly stormy or rainy. It may help to add covering or wind-breaking materials to a patio, but if you don't want to get those extra items, you should probably skip these improvements.

Don't ignore local characteristics when adding improvements. A pool is perfect in Miami, but not so much in Vermont. A beach house with a deck works well in southern California, but the winds at the beach in Hyannis, Massachusetts would blow away every last deck chair. Features that are not usable in your area's climate will add no value to your home.

When signing a contract with a contractor doing home improvements, look for a place of business for that contractor. A clear sign that something is not up to par with your contractor is when they only give you a phone number for a contact and not a brick and mortar building address. If a problem arises it is very easy for them to just change numbers and start shop elsewhere.

When thinking about replacing your driveway and you are considering brick there are some pros and cons. The look of a brick driveway is very appealing and you can certainly design the driveway in the way you would like. The cost is a very big disadvantage, brick driveways can be a very costly expenditure.

A helpful tip on home improvement that can save you and your neighbors some money is to create a "community toolbox" that everyone can contribute to and use for home improvement projects. Borrow tools from neighbors who also do home improvement to save money by avoiding buying single-use specialized equipment. You two can help by sharing tips.

To summarize, there is quite a bit to learn about home improvement. Don't let it overwhelm you. Home improvement can be learned easily if you are willing and have time to commit.