Gardening serves different purposes for many people. For some, gardening is a means of relaxation, as they find it therapeutic to create beautiful floral arrangements and give new life to flowers. Others use gardening as a means of sustenance, growing their own fruits and vegetables for consumption. The tips in the following article will help you with your gardening needs.
To protect your crops from being ravaged by pests such as deer and other nuisance animals, be sure to fence your garden securely. A good fence will also keep other people from trampling your crops, or worse, stealing them. If you have burrowing pests like gophers, you may want to use raised beds for your vegetables.
Do not forget the sun when deciding on a place for a garden. Gardens need sun. Almost all flowering plants and vegetables grow best in excellent sunlight. Vegetables like tomatoes require a lot of sunlight and will not produce without it. If there are trees above the area, trim them back or look for another location because a garden without sun is doomed to failure.
Keep a garden journal and take photographs of your garden as it grows. It's easy to start the season with high expectations for your horticulture. But as the time wears on, it's just as easy to lose steam. A journal and photos can help inspire and engage you along the way!
To keep dirt from getting under your fingernails while gardening, reach for a bar of soap beforehand! As much as we all love horticulture, none of us really enjoy all that soil that gets stuck under our nails that can be so challenging to remove. Simply claw a bar of soap before you begin working in your garden and when finished, run your hands under water and as the soap washes away, so does the dirt!
When you get new plants for your garden, make sure you are meeting their sun requirements. Some plants prefer low sun and shady areas, while other plants require full sun in order to thrive. Giving your plants the wrong light level can cause them to wilt and die too soon.
Mulching around your plants is a great water saving tip. You can use purchased mulch, but it is easy to make your own from what you find in your yard. Use fallen leaves, pine cones, sticks, and tree bark, and lay them out heavily around your plants on the dirt so that water does not evaporate so easily after you water.
Use an egg carton to start your seedlings early. Egg cartons are cheap and easy to obtain, and can contain enough soil to get a plant started. Once you're ready to plant, you can simply rip the carton away from the seedling without damaging the root ball and place the whole soil ball into the ground.
Treat your flowering bulbs correctly after they finish blooming and they will return again next year. Allow the foliage to remain for at least eight weeks after flowering to ensure that your bulbs are able to photosynthesize enough food for the following season. Removing the leaves earlier could result in weak flowers or no flowers at all the next year.
Keep your horticulture tools organized. You do not want to trek out to your garden, only to realize you do not have everything you need with you and need to hunt your tools down. Keep small tools in a tool belt that you can grab and throw on easily or keep them in a 5-gallon bucket that you can carry out to your garden, quickly.
Keep track of your organic garden's progress in a gardening journal. Make note of everything - the dates you plant, the dates you fertilize, pests that arrive, which repellents work, when you begin harvesting, and how fruitful your garden is. This information will be valuable to you as you plan your garden in the years ahead and will help you to be a successful gardener.
Make use of a ground cover, such as mulch or hay. Be sure when you are purchasing your ground cover, that it is also organic, as any chemicals contained in the mulch or hay can be absorbed by your plants. Organic ground coverings will protect the roots of your plants and help prevent water evaporation.
Be careful when applying mulch. Too much can suffocate a plant's roots and prevent moisture from penetrating deeply into the soil. Too little will not be able to suppress weed growth, effectively. An appropriate amount is 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch. Always keep mulch away from a plant's crown or stems.
When maintaining an organic garden, be sure to always wind up your hoses. Dragging and storing a hose that is not wound up can take a lot of time away from you. Try using stationary or portable hose reels to wind up your hoses and to save you some time.
Avoid chemicals in your garden. Keep the toxins out of the food and the water supply. One of the best parts about organic gardening is eliminating chemical compounds from your food supply. There are many alternatives to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Almost any problem can be cured with the right management.
Utilize frost covers for your plants when it gets cold. Frost may cause tiny ice crystals to form in your plant and shred the natural, soft flesh of the plant. Milk jug containers and other plastics can help assist you in making a closed environment around your plant. Ideally you want to protect your plant from being exposed to the cold outside air.
The best way to weed your organic garden is the old-fashioned way, pulling the weeds out by hand. Even though organic herbicides sold at the store are tempting, they aren't nearly as effective as getting on your hands and knees and pulling the weeds out by hand. It's also very invigorating to do it yourself. It gives you a sense of accomplishment.
Use mulch to protect the plants in your organic garden. Plants need to be protected so that they can grow, since they cannot protect themselves that well. Some protections that mulch provides includes protecting your plants' roots from the heat of the sun and and protecting the fragile plant crown during the winter.
Any gardener knows that seeds properly planted bare fruit after time. Keep the seeds of knowledge from this article planted firmly in the garden of your mind. Over the coming seasons and growing cycle, you are sure to see the advice here blossom into helpful habits in your horticulture activities.