Contrary to popular belief, growing an organic garden doesn't mean you're one step away from joining a commune or living off the land. It just means you want healthier food, bereft of the harsh chemicals that are used by mass-producing farms. Here are some tips to ensure that your garden will always grow.
If you have specimen plants which need warmer climate zones than the rest of your garden, you can easily create a suitable space for them within your regular garden! Just create a shelter with a south facing wall which will become a solar collector, absorbing warmth in the day and releasing it at night, thus providing your specimen plants with the perfect environment!
Pay attention to the compatibility of your plants. You can plant tall plants, such as tomatoes, and use them to shade such sun-sensitive plants as lettuce and spinach. These combinations can reduce the amount of fertile space your garden requires while also increasing the yield of all the types of plants you have.
If you have enough space pick one row in your garden to contain an assortment of different vegetables. Try uncommon or unusual crops that you wouldn't want in abundance, but that can liven up a meal that you prepare using your usual crops. Plant crops in this row over time so that you'll always have a selection of vegetables to try.
Make sure your pot is the right size for your plant. If the pot is too small, the plant's roots may not have enough room to grow. The roots will become "root bound", stop growing, and begin to suffocate. The size of the root system can determine the size of your plant and yield.
Growing your own vegetable garden, whether large or small, offers many benefits. You will eat better! Fresh vegetables offer more vitamins than those which have been processed. Planting and doing upkeep on your garden will also help provide exercise which leads to better fitness. It will also save you a significant amount of money at the grocery store!
You must protect tender, deciduous shrubs. If you have some tender shrubs that are in planters, you need to protect them from cold weather. Tie the tops together, and loosely cover the wigwam with a blanket or sheet. This will work better than wrapping your plant with plastic, because air can still circulate, which will help to prevent rotting.
When planting tomato seedlings, be sure to plant them all the way up to the first set of leaves. This allows the plant to grow a larger and deeper root system. The more roots your plant sprouts, the more tomatoes the plant will be capable of supporting and the more flavorful they will be.
Make a point to get rid of slugs as soon as you see them. Slugs will continue eating your plants until your garden is just a shell of its former self. There are a variety of chemical and organic methods that you can try; find something that works for you and protect your plants!
When you have an abundance of seeds from your garden, a helpful way to store them away without drying them out is to use old, nylon stockings as a storage bag. After you add the seeds to the stocking, simply tie a knot at the top and hang the stockings in a warm, dark place to store until spring.
As soon as your seeds start sprouting make sure they have enough light. Move your plants next to a sunny window or put them inside a greenhouse. If you cannot do this, use fluorescent lights. Remember that your plants need up to sixteen hours of light every day.
Learn to work efficiently. Don't spend 30 minutes searching for a tool. Prepare all the tools you need before you go out to work on your garden, and put them away nicely when you are done. Invest in a tool belt or wear pants that have lots of pockets.
Create a series of garden 'rooms'. The days of a square lawn with a surrounding border are long gone. A garden can offer so much more, by creating different areas to explore. A patio area is simply an extension of your indoor living space. Add an arbor at the end of the patio, leading to another outdoor room. This can be a play area for children, or a small vegetable or herb garden. Create seating areas under a tree or nestled in between shrubs. Add an element of surprise, such as a unique sculpture or piece of large pottery. Let your garden reflect your personality!
One way to slowly-water your plant is by using a plastic bottle, such as a 2-liter soda bottle. Punch a few small holes in the bottom of the bottle, fill it to the neck with water and replace the cap. Place it in the soil and use the cap to regulate the flow of water.
Preparing the soil for your perennial garden is easy. Simply slice into the ground with a spade, flip the top layer of soil, and then cover it with several inches of wood chips. Give the area a couple of weeks, then dig into it and plant your new perennials.
Here is a tip for organic horticulture! Use a rain gauge. Most plants require about an inch of water per week. To know how much you need to water, it is important to know how much water the plants received from rain. As rainfall can vary greatly within a city, don't depend on your weather report; instead use a rain gauge to determine the amount that fell at your location.
Be specific about what you would like to grow in your organic garden. There are a variety of environments that certain vegetables and flowers thrive in to grow. An example would be seen in the many different varieties of roses, as some will grow well in your garden, where other varieties may not. Make sure that you find varieties that fit into your horticulture situation.
A great tip when starting your own organic garden is to always space your seeds in the mix as evenly as you can. If you do this, it will ensure that every single one of your seeds has an equal amount of room to grow in the most optimum way.
From timing of planting to feeding and water levels to access to sunlight, plants can be quite demanding of you even though they never say a word. Keep the tips and tricks in this article in mind in your gardening activities, and you and your plants can keep each other happy.