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Improvements to your home can add resell value to your home. In addition to adding value, they will help keep your home in perfect condition. There is a wide range of home improvement projects for you to choose from, from the quick and simple to the highly ambitious. Continue reading for valuable suggestions.

Get at that drywall with a sponge! Instead of sanding seams in drywall, use a sponge. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge.

Paint stripes on walls in the color of your paneling before the paneling is installed. Regardless of how precisely you install the paneling, there is usually a spot where the wall shows through. This can be prevented by taking a few minutes to measure the area in which the panels will adjoin. Choose a paint color that matches the color of your paneling, and paint strips of this color wherever the panels will meet.

Make your child a room-sized blackboard! It will provide hours of entertainment and offer interest to practically any room. All you have to do is paint a section of a wall with paint that's made especially for blackboards. If you want, you can even frame it in with molding to give it that professional look.

Make sure that you keep an eye out for all types of contractors. You want to make sure that you get a contractor with a good reputation, as well as, an affordable price before you have them improve your home. You don't want to be stuck with paying a bill that you can't afford or a project that's half finished because the contractor decided to stop coming, half-way through the project.

Any home will benefit from a regular painting schedule. Painting is one of those home improvement tasks that is not vital, but keeping up with it pays considerable dividends. A house which has been painted and repainted at frequent intervals will look more appealing to potential buyers. Homeowners that paint their houses regularly will also avoid the necessity of a major, expensive paint job when they decide to sell their homes.

Be sure and include landscaping in your home improvement plans. The front of your home is the most noticeable thing, and you want to showcase it to impress neighbors and visitors. Keep the grass neatly mowed, and install plants and shrubs to make your property look attractive.


When undertaking major landscaping home improvement projects, always consult with your neighbors about drainage before work begins. Whenever you improve your landscaping, one goal is to arrange for water to flow smoothly off of all points of your property. Many people take the low road and dump the water on a neighbor, but that doens't make it the best choice! You can coordinate drainage plans, however it requires clear communication.

One energy-efficient improvement you can make to your home is to replace your windows. Older-style single-panel windows don't insulate the inside of your home nearly as well as the newer double-panel style. New windows will increase the aesthetic beauty of your home while saving you money each month in electricity bills.

For an affordable and attractive temporary update, consider a bright and colorful wreath for your front door. This easy fix requires no commitment and very little investment. Furthermore, you can change the wreath frequently to reflect the changing seasons, holidays, or just to indulge yourself with a favorite color palette.

If every closet, cabinet, and drawer in your home is filled to capacity, consider building a garden storage shed on your property. These structures add considerable worth to the resale value of a home and are ideal for storing garden implements, tools, extra lawn furniture, and other belongings that can be safely stored outside.

When planning your kitchen, make sure your stove and your refrigerator are not right next to each other. If you set them side-by-side, they will both have to work too hard. You will waste energy and get less life from your appliances with this arrangement, and neither will perform optimally.

Would you like a new dresser? Give old furniture a breath of life by sanding and refinishing them. By refinishing, you'll save money and end up with a great-looking piece of furniture. There are many colors of stain available.

Many people think a kitchen remodel can be time consuming and expensive. However, there are many things a homeowner on a limited budget can do to change the look of their kitchen. By simply replacing countertops, updating appliances or refinishing cabinets, a homeowner can give their kitchen a facelift without breaking the bank.

Windows will look much better if worn blinds are replaced. Often the sun will fade blinds and curtains. Sometimes pets, children and/or time can wreak havoc. You'll be surprised by the big difference new window treatments can make in your home.

If you are planning a home improvement project, plan the project before you worry about the budget. Go ahead and price various options, but don't let yourself think about what you can actually afford until you've picked a style. This way, you can focus on what works for you and your house, instead of focusing on the money. Most plans can be adapted to a much lower budget.

If someone in your household has long hair or you bathe shedding pets often, use a hair trap in the shower to prevent annoying clogs in the drain. There are a variety of models to fit different drain styles, but they all work by preventing hair from entering the drain and getting stuck in the trap.

Having a plan in place before you start your home improvement projects is very important. Even if you won't be getting to those other rooms or projects for a long time, have a vision for what you want your overall home to look like. This will keep the flow of your home consistent when you are finished.


By replacing the existing gutters on one's house with copper gutters they will be doing a home improvement project that enhances the appearance of their house. It can also help the value of one's house if they are ever going to try to sell the house. Most importantly though it will make one feel better about their house.

The above smart tips will get you looking at home improvements like a professional, so your projects will all sail straight for success instead of taking a more expensive, roundabout way to getting where you ultimately want to be. With the right attitude and mental preparation, you can transform your home into a dream home.